Saturday, September 11, 2010


So, we've had a few cooler days and I am really loving it. I can't wait for fall to be in full swing. It's the most wonderful time of the year.
Fall is a celebratory time for our little family too. My birthday was yesterday, Corey's is coming up on the 29th, our anniversary is October 15th, and Elora's birthday is October 25th!

I love the fall.

One of the tell tale signs of fall around here is the air raid of acorns on the roof. We're right under several oak trees and when the weather turns, those trees let loose. I remember last year when this happened. I often wanted to yell, "we're bein' invaded!" then run out of the shot (just in case you haven't seen That Thing You Do consider this a recommendation).

After a long labor with Elora, I didn't think much of the acorns. They just weren't that important to me. I had a new baby to take care of and since the sound of the acorns didn't wake her, they just sort of faded into the background. And so when my midwives gave me a cd of photos from her birth, I didn't think much of the photo of the three little acorns. Honestly, it seemed a little out of place to me. I thought it was just a nod to fall, it was late October and autumn was everywhere.

It wasn't until this morning when I heard a pretty good shower of acorns on the roof that I thought of that picture in a new light. The sound of so many acorns pounding the roof brought me right back to my labor. I can remember hearing the constant pelting during my hours in and out of the tub, pacing in circles in our bedroom. I could hear it over the "relaxation" music that repeated 60+ times during the whole event. Those acorns were actually a pretty big part of it all. They were there, all the time, pounding our little house.

So now, instead of leaving that photo unprinted, I think it will be on the first page of her baby book. And every time I hear the pounding acorns, I will remember Elora's birth and the joy (and challenge) she brings us.


  1. I love the photo! That is such a special touch for your midwife to add to your collection of photos from Elora's birth--abstract and lovely.

    By the way, I'm Bethany, Em and Arlen's friend. We met at their wedding :-)
    Just didn't want you to think you had a stalker!

    I love the things you make for Elora and I'm enjoying inspirations from you for when we have little ones someday!

  2. Thanks, Bethany! I remember meeting you at the wedding. I'm glad you stumbled upon my blog :)

    We really had the best midwives, I recommend them to everyone having a baby in our area :)
